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"Happy Employees, Increased Productivity" Webinar

Calling all Business Leaders, HR Practitioners, and #FirstasiaFriends who are curious!


Firstasia Consultants is holding a webinar!

Titled “Happy Employees, Increased Productivity”, we will talk about how mental health and well-being have been addressed as employees’ demands even more so after the pandemic.

Ever wondering what’s in store for your organization? If you successfully make your employees happy, what then? Does it really enhance their productivity, thus increasing the whole performance?


Let’s find out!

Date         : Thursday, October 20th 2020

Time         : 14:00-15:30 WIB



  • Dewi Adiningtiyas, M.Psi., Psikolog (Clinical Psychologist, Trainer, and Assessor)
  • Tria Suciana, M.Psi., Psikolog (Clinical Psychologist)
  • Troy Sarayar (Senior Consultant)


Click here to register and save your spot now!